Louisville restaurant delivers hot Italian meals to the homeless
LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) – At the Milantoni Italian Restaurant on South Hurtsbourne Parkway, the dining room may be temporarily closed, but the kitchen is still cooking.
Owners Yajaira Pastrana and Ivan Guzman had to close their doors for two weeks while some needed repairs were made. Wondering what to do with their perishable supplies, they decided to cook them up and deliver meals to the homeless.
“We’re looking at a bad situation and turning it into something positive,” Pastrana said.
Pastrana and Guzman began delivering pizza, spaghetti, ziti, tortellini, fettucine and other menu items to homeless clients congregating on East Jefferson Street under the interstate ramps outside Wayside Christian Ministries.
They soon discovered the need was greater than they expected.
“We thought we’d have plenty of food,” Guzman said. “But then a lot of people were still trying to come to us to get more food. And it’s just heartbreaking.”
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2400 Stannye Court
Louisville, KY 40222
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